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Glenview Dairy Project

  • Civil Project
  • Odessa, NY
  • January – May 2024

In early 2024, The Hillis Group undertook a project in upstate New York for the client to capture methane gas from a manure pond and connect it to a compressor station. The Hillis Group performed the groundwork necessary for the construction of the compressor station. Installation of a 20′ wide by 50′ long anti-tracking pad, minimum 6″ thick, was furnished and installed over geotextile fabric. Compost filter socks, protective fencing at wetland areas, and a drain trench with HDPE perforated pipe were installed according to specifications. The project also included stripping and stockpiling topsoil, cutting and filling the proposed pad area, and redistributing topsoil on access and pad embankments. Soil supplements, seed, and erosion control blankets were installed in disturbed areas. Additionally, a bioretention basin with spillways, outlet structures, and pipes was constructed, along with the installation of engineered soil stabilized with seed mix and straw mulch. The entire pad area was finished with a compacted gravel surface, and all disturbed areas were restored with seed and mulch.

Let’s discuss your project needs. Contact us today!