Management’s commitment to safety
The Hillis Group believes that the well-being of our company and our clients is dependent on the health and safety of our workforce. Nothing is more important than the safety of our employees and that is why it is the first of our company’s core values.
It is our objective to protect everyone involved in our projects from injury or occupational diseases. We are committed to creating an accident and incident free workplace through effective administration, education, and training. We all shall work to comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and all applicable regulations and laws. We are committed to implementing and maintaining safe work practices and procedures.
Every precaution necessary in all circumstances will be taken for the protection of our work force. No one will be required to work in a situation that is unsafe, and all employees have the right and authority to stop work they believe to be unsafe. No job is treated as though it is so urgent that time cannot be taken to do it in a safe manner.
Workers shall receive the necessary personal protective equipment and adequate training in their specific work task to protect their health and safety. The welfare of the individual is our greatest concern. Safety and health is the responsibility of every employee in this organization and it must be considered in every task we perform.
We believe that a safe operation contributes positively to the bottom line and that what we do should not harm the safety or health of our employees or the community. Safety will never be compromised for profit! Everyone will work together to prevent incidents from creating unwanted losses and personal injuries or illnesses.

Michael W. Hillis
The Hillis Group, LLC